Hooray for Pre-K
Week of August 14
Welcome to ROE and Pre-K!
We are so excited to start this journey with your precious child. Our days will be filled with fun, learning, and lots of NEW and EXCITING adventures. This first week will be long for them and an early bedtime will help them with their new normal. 😀
What we will be learning this week
Big, little, and sorting
School procedures and school safety
Parts of a book and parts of the body
Classroom activities
Class rules and procedures
Safety Drills
How to wash and sanitize hands
Reading every day/night
Dress Code
Colors for caring
On the first Wednesday of each month, you may wear a color shirt that helps support a cause that is dear to you. You can click on the picture to see colors and what cause the represent.
Important dates
September 2 - Labor Day- no classes
September19 - End of 1st six weeks grading period
September 20 - Staff development - no school for students
Check our ROISD website and our ROE newsletters for updates.